Monday, May 18, 2009

at last..

i just came back from spa for full body scrub and full body massage. at last... YEAHH! (curik tulang time keje nihh. heheh)


argrghh... my back hurt. my arm hurt... my full body hurt cz i and khasif (of course!) went for basuh-ing and cleaning the so-called our house last weekend [whole saturday and whole sunday to be exact].....

hafiz won the af7... yeahhh... aril comes 2nd [pity alida! ('',)]... oklah tuhh.. both were my happy as long as isma not in the 1st place. so surprise how come she's at the 5th? where have her voters gone? btw, congratulation to both hafiz and aril as well as their afundersss... heheh...

my fingers also lenguh-lenguh, so i cant write more (full of drama lahh...[as told by dina])

p/s: Dina, dont forget to come and see me ar? before i get married... hehhhe ;)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

my life?

ermm..time check ------ it's 10.46pm and im STILL in the office... arrgghhh...tension sihhh!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

reward myself! ... need to.

arrgghh... need to go for full body massage and im ssoooo insists for manicure and pedicure as well as foot scrubs at this moment.. it's heaven! ('',)

btw, congratulationsss to czarina and czarif for the new borned baby!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

thank you..

WE [khasif + me] never had a chance to thanked FADLI and AVVY for being OUR pengapit!
tq, tq, tq

After 4 days break

... was like hell.

- slides on the SMEWG -
- Monthly report -
- validation on the Survey on global economic and financial crises: impact on SMEs -
- tabulation on the SMEs retrenchement figures -
- invitees, programme books, invitation cards, etc.... for the opening ceremony of SMIDEX -
- Updates and report on 5S -
- meeting BAS meeting BAS meeting BAS meeting BAS -
not forget to add in the...
- invitation card for the W day -
- hantaran -
- hotels -
- non stop looking and surveying for the rumah.... i hate this! -
fuhh... all this need to be done by this weekends!