Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Independence Day to all Malaysians!!

Happy Independence Day!

I would like to wish all Malaysians a Happy 53rd Independence Day.
Born and bred as a Malaysian for the past 26 years and yet I am still living in Malaysia. I survive! Not necessarily those who choose to stay back in Malaysia would strive to earn a living and lack behind to those who graduated and worked in the developed countries.
Way back when I was in primary or secondary, Independence Day was celebrated with so much joy and happiness: late sleep just because of the fireworks and wake up early for the National Parade.

After school, Independence Day was celebrated much less. But that’s doesn’t means the enthusiasm gone. Being patriotic doesn’t ONLY mean that you’re willing to sacrifice for the country. Your contribution to the economic development and Live happily and peacefully within races, it call patriotic too.

As the country is getting older, I really hope whoever rule the country will give their best effort on keeping this country peaceful and harmony. Lets different races blend in together without barriers and lets religious activities carries out without fear. War will not get us anywhere. There are much more to do with love than hate. Sometimes, a majority of us tend to think that the grass is greener on the other side. “Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik hujan batu di negeri sendiri”. It’s a Malay proverb, meaning that although there are many good things outside our own country, and less in the place where we live, it is still best to live in our own place. It might be similar to “There is no place like home”.

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