i will jot down anything i like, i will speak out anything i want, this is me!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Festival of Sacrifice AKA Selamat Hari Raya Haji!
Hello world! =p
Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all muslim...
Every year, me and my family, we celebrate raya haji in SP or Penang. But this year, we decided (decided? It’s actually i HAVE to! Hiks) to celebrate here in KL.... cz PIL coming. Not happening beb. so, what i meant by not that 'happening' is because you don't get to celebrate in the 'kampung' environment with lots and lots of food on the table. The "North People" (like us, of course) :-) celebrated hari raya haji as happening as hari raya puasa. like alida said, "the only food that are not available during raya haji is the kuih raya." heheh.. btw, avvy, hopefully you tak leh balik ktan, jom raya dengan i di kl. btw, ada apa dengan KL time raya nih???
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
sleepless nightss
Im having sleepless nights!
what can i do to get some proper sleep?
no matter how tired i am, i wake every hour at least, it’s starting to drive me insane...
Im tired all the time but cant sleep!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
As promise in earlier post, I have to update you on this. Last month (18th October to be exact), WE [me+khasif+avvy+fadli (and gangs!)] went for theatre show at Taman Budaya KL, titled “Miaw Miaw Sang Arnab”, presented by Tronoh Theatre Shop (TTS). It is a theatre group from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Tronoh Perak, which involves mainly in theatre, sketch and mime shows. First time for me to watched real “mimers”. It’s actually first time I n khasif went for this kind of show. I shall says it was quite interesting jugak…so fadli, please plan for the next show, please!. But I would probably give two thumbs up to “Tok Janggut” It’s a monolog and I respect him as the way he present himself totally superb. Cerita sarat dengan isu tersirat dan mesej simbolik (ceewah!)

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
the tronoh theatre shop and Qum actors
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tiring weekendss and PAPADOM!
:) im soo excited cz it's friday!
To let u know, since 1st weekend of puasa till this weekend's weekend (",), i dont have the chance to relax at all! wanna know y? lets recap:
1st week of puasa: went back to Kluang
2nd week of puasa: went back to Kedah
3rd week of puasa: went back to Kluang
4th week of puasa:went back to Kluang (again?)
5th week of puasa: went back to Kedah (Raya's coming!)
1th week of raya: in Kluang
2nd week of raya: went back again to Kedah :o)
3rd week of raya: Mama and the others came! Went to Kuantan. Thanks hubby!
4th week of raya: PILs coming on Sat for kenduri and Again will be back to Kluang (tomorrow lorr!)
soooo, im so damn tired with the word of T-R-A-V-E-L-L-I-N-G!
btw, guys GO AND WATCH PAPADOM... buah tangan terbaru from my fav of all, afdlin!

im looking forward for CUCI 'da musical!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
new member of the house
Welcome to mimie...
it's a persian cat, btw. huhuh
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
angkara si "DIA"
email from KSN to all KSUs,CEOs, and later forwarded to all officers (included me, of course!)
From: amei mei [mailto:amei_mei@yahoo.com]
Sent: 30 September 2009 15:19
To: Tan Sri Mohd Sidek b. Hassan
Cc: Nordziah binti. Mohamed
Kenapa lah perkara ni tak dipantau oleh majikan mereka? adakah majikan mereka tidak tahu atau sama terlibat? ini yang menjadi persoalan......
Ada kes tu sehinggakan ruangan facebook tu sentiasa standby agar mudah untuk respon jika terima chat dan ada juga dok melayan game online. Kebanyakkan mereka yang muda-muda. Bagi saya jika ianya digunakan dengan betul tidak menjadi masalah.
tingkah laku kakitangan kerajaan itu mencerminkan kepimpinan kerajaan terutama Perdana Menteri kita dan juga Dato KSN.
Jadi, perkara mcm ni haruslah dianggap serius dan saya cadangkan agar keluarkan lah satu perkeliling agar ianya boleh memberikan kesedaran kepada mereka2 ni. Ianya juga dapat menyelamatkan mereka2 dari memakan hasil haram dari tindakkan mereka curi tulang.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
my so-called journey of raya
1st raya - in sg. petani, kedah. after eid prayer, we went for tg dawai. Reached back in sg petani around 3pm. bought my all time fav blended ice kacang on the way back home. once arrived, put down my things and help mama preparing the foodssss for our rumah terbuka which should started at 7pm, but 2 of my uncles came in early (pah teh's family and uncle sham's family). khasif got diarrhea and was on the bed for the whole day (trust me! - he cant even walk or eat.. ) so US (me, kak uja, abg, abg am, and kak ewa - plus papa, of course) helps mama all the way. [boy cant make it for the hari raya. hua hua hua (which refer to padan muka, actually!)] my house was crowded for the night till 11.30pm. then, cleaned the house. settled around 12am and brought khasif to the clinic. came back to my luxury bed aroud 1am. (see how tired i was?)
2nd raya - wake up early to packed all my things as we (me and khasif) need to go back for kluang, pulak. thought of postponed it to the next day (yeah!) but his parents called and asked us (it's asked ME, to be exact) "will you both arriving at 1pm today? so that mak can masak for us." errmm, wut am i supposed to do then? (and tetibe khasif pun dah sihat [propaganda betul]). so around 11am, we started our journey back to johor. but we singgah for auty chu's open house in kulim (papa and mama urged us to go - which i think we should, hey! it's hari raya right? that's was the real hari raya meant to be) and tok teh's house in junjung. around 4pm we started our car heading for johor. Arrived in johor around 1 am
3rd raya - in kluang for the whole day as MIL having 24hours open house. non-stop cuci-ing the pinggan as well as preparing the foods and drinks (it's SHOULD be fooodssss and driinksss actually!)
4th raya - again on the road. heading for segamat, labis, etc (i dunno where's on earth is this places). and again reached in kluang around 10pm. thought of going for pontian for sabri's house. (Bun, kami tak jumper lagi Damia ko [tak aci, fadli and av dah jumpe!]). but have to beralah-lah...
5th raya - Again in the car for kota tinggi (cant go for pontian gaks). omg, places in johor is far away from one another. so pening. (but mama sms-ing me said that, "okey lah, at least tak duduk kat rumah jerk, kalu tak nanti kene masak and boring... ehhehe.. [mama really understand me-lah]). luckily, mama's message got through. celcom was breakdown on that day. i was "hangin" all the way gak as i cant call or sms-ing anyone! arrived back in kluang at 8pm. directly went for pacific (mall in kluang) as MIL requested for triffle. sampai rumah ader lagi tetamu yang datang beraya. (it's 10pm!, okey).
6th raya - wake up early again for "Breakfast wit MIL programme" (without khasif - as he was happily tido [sape anak for mak ayah saper nih?]). went for maybank (lembab-est maybank on earth [mabank, please take note!]) for cherry card, tabung haji (thumbs up!! [cz very effisien]) for daftar haji (requested by mak mertua), repaired mine and his watch (plus bought a new watch). this 4 so-called agenda took me till 4pm to settled. came back to packed our things. and around 6pm started our car untuk baliksss. but have to stop at mak ngah's house for salam raya (",) (his mak ngah's house is in the same neighbourhood actually) sembang2 sampai tak sedar dah pukul 7.30pm. turn back to MIL house as mak ngan kirim something for mak. start back our journey at 8pm to IPOH for Dina's Wedding. Arrived in ipoh at 2.30 am [penat, but cant wait for D's W (",)]
7th raya - wake up early (9am- it's early for me okey! coz it's saturday) for dina's akad nikah. have to be dina's dulang girl. (Dina, Happy Wedding okey!). settled around 1pm. Then, went for Fadli's house (Selamat Hari Raya, Fad. Sedap spagetti ko!, sampai habis khasif melantak... xpe nanti aku ganti balik ngan nasi ayam aku.. hahahha). Dina's Reception in SUK at 8pm. Came back to our sarang burung at 12am.
8th raya - Went for Simpang Pulai for Mak Itam's house. Stayed there till 3pm. Heading back to ipoh and lepaking in Ipoh Parede. Went for Jin Notti (borrriiinggg!) and spa-ing my hair (love this!). arrived again at my sarang burung at 10pm. thought of balik KL, tapi penat so we both tido jerk!
9th raya - supposely ive to start working today. but ive arrived in kl at 8.30am. (EL jelah gamaknyer!) We departed from Ipoh at 5.30am... sleep the whole day (it's recovering my energy okey!)
10th - 13th raya - working like hell! and im fasting for the puase 6. on friday - im sooo insists to go back to sg petani for my mom's cooking, plus boy in SP as well. can raya togerther2 (",)
14th raya - here i am, in SP for mama's food! (but somebody ruined my mood - u know who you are!) btw, Dina - Happy Wedding AGAIN in Muar. Selamat menjadi Johorian!
- END-
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
090909 everyone!
what's so special about this date to me? absolutely - NOTHING!
im STILL going to do my work. this week have been so jahat to me- probably next week too... as tonneSS of KPIs need to be settle before eid-fitri.
ha'aaa, need to pick up my kuih raya at moon's house tonight! :)
me, so layu at the office today! chow
Monday, September 7, 2009
Raya coming (Part 1)
last sat me and khasif did invite few friends for berbuka. i cooked nasi ayam for the invitees. my first try (serious! no-joke! - but of course-lah, tgk resipi mama) which will turn out to be my 2nd, 3rd.... [i even got tempahan from fadli for the triffle. hahahha :) ] everyone puji. included fadli (the very cerewet person!) [i still remember what he told me and av 7 years ago in Av's ous in Kelantan. "that's not the way of potong the bawang! tahu masak ker tak pompuan-pompuan nih?" (as for me and av, who's cares of the bentuk bawang? u ate it anyway! )]
still! im hunting for my baju raya... and kuih sarang semut. anyone know this kuih? please do let me know.
dina, ive just got your wedding card.... fuhh, at last... :) (dramas) need to reply kah? hahah surely i datang... can i make comfirmation through this blog... hahahaha
cant wait for your W. less than 20 days to gO! pray for DINA!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
[not in 'da mood 2 talk]
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ramadhan coming!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
12 August 2009
2. saya masuk office hari ini dengan kerja yang bertimbun (update stimulus package, update retrenchment figures, settlekan DOSM's request, settlekan on the quotation, settlekan KE's folder on kabinet meeting on tourism, etc)
3. Fad ajak tengok the proposal. Tetapi av cannot make it as she was afraid of the H1N1. so fad, next time kiter plan again, okey!
4. Dina! your wedding coming soon... eeemmm tak sabar nak makan nasi pengantin u-lah.
5. kepala saya pening kembali. feel like vomitting at the same time. chow...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Last week (the whole week, to be exact!) we were craving for something.. and we don’t know what it is… So after office hour, we start our engine for somewhere and something eventhough we were so tired with lots and lots of works (pressure actually) during our office hour…
Monday – “jalan-jalan cari makan”
Tuesday – went for “Skrip 7707” (eventhough im soo insists of Ghost of gfs past and the proposal, but khasif wants the skrip 7707 [penyokong filem melayu-lah kononnya…]). It’s a crap!.... wasting my RM6…
Wednesday – “jalan-jalan cari makan” – AGAIN!
Thursday – went for setem… thumbs up!... (it’s a bit slow in the first half, but towards the end – the only words I can describe it – GOOOD JOB! [see, the extra O i gave :)] [Love afdlin (“,)]) Keep it up!
Friday – cleaning the house as his relatives coming!
Saturday – as told before, im so insists of beach… so we went for pantai klanang… somewhere in banting. Eventhough it is not as good as PD, but, hey, it’s not crowded with peoples okey! The beach is mine.. huhuh
Sunday – window shopping (we were walking from SOGO - Jalan TAR – Jalan Masjid India – PS [ that’s a long journey, babe! ]) and walking back to SOGO, of course!
Not forget to mentioned here,
Previous Saturday – went to nilai + bangi for wedding with parents in law. (bangi and nilai are soo panas okey….!)
Previous Sunday – went to SA to visit his relatives and IKEA- also with parents in law…aduhh sakit kaki sehhh!
See?? That’s why im soo ‘layu’ during office hour
Monday, July 27, 2009
May she rest in peace..
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
a so-called reunion!
We arrived a bit late, nearly 10pm as khasif (yang sungguh GATAL!) wants to hv a hair cut on the way to SP...
futher story, please proceed to DINA ! sorry yerk dina, i malas nak tulis... hehhehe
btw, pic of US! again----without sally ;(

Friday, July 17, 2009
ermm.... WE [me, alida, gda, dina] 'll probably hang up toningt! let's go girlS!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
ermmm...waiting for hubby!
2. ive upload my W pics in my fb. ermmm tak larat lorr nak upload it here!
3. this weekend is Johanna's W in bangi. and next weekend is Nad's W in Ipoh. and hubby's cousins coming this weekend as well as the upcoming weekend. so hv to manage every single second wisely!
4. klah... chow. that's all i wanna jot down here. cu on da next 3 days!!! cheerio...
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I'll stuck in the office today!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
what a life!
suddenly i remembered dina message yesterday. she was telling me that her borang kahwin hv typing error. SAME LIKE MINE, okey! so we both were agreed that johorian nie harap pandai jawi jer, bahasa melayu hampeh...ejaan dalam malays pun salah. hiks hiks... right dina?
it's 5.59pm, i wanna go back. but if i were driving at this moment, surely i'll stuck in the traffic jam. so let's wait till 7pm to go back. khasif promise to cook tonight!. so fyza, you dont have to rush for anything!
ermm i've watch trasformers, drag me to hell, as well as jangan pandang belakang congkak. last week was my movie-marathon week. People keep telling me [i guess EVERYONE, kot] that transformers was great. so i and khasif decided to go for it-lah... and after 2 hours 30 minutes, we were like...ermmm ok? the movies were like ok jer lahh... not lahh so great!... i wonder how boy told me while US [abg am, kak uja, arman, adrish, khasif] were celebrating arman burfday. he said that he wants to cry watching that movie. the movie were superb. is it? NO idea lahh. As for drag me to hell, i hate the ending! Jangan pandang belakang congkak was great! It's not that im soo into malay movies. but i guess, it's been a while for malaysia to have such comedy film. I always thought that afdlin shauki is the only one who can produce such film... guess im wrong right? or am i being soo racist to my own film industry? hehhee...whatever-lah. (cant wait for twillight 2)
it's a tiring week for me. maybe because not enough rest! i went back to SP last saturday, then came back to KL on sunday and arrived around 11 something. my tyre was punctured, so i drove khasif's car to work on the next day. and my office hour was miserable [today got so many soalan parlimen that i have to prepare the answers, of course. (what else yerk?, monthly report, NSDC preps, inputs on post cab paper, inputs on board member meeting, input on Southern Region Investment & Trade Dialogue, status of govt stimulus package... fuuhh, by 5 pm, im half dead already!)]. last night we went to munirah's house in puncak jalil. and it's takes us 2 hours to arrives to their house. eventhough we were from serdang raya jer. gilerssss. it's because we were sesat-ing and to make thing worst i forgot to bring my hp, and khasif phone was blocked! ermmm luckily, it's only takes us 10 minutes to come back home and to change the tyre once we arrived, of course... cant wait for friday! come fast! come fast!
ermmm.... tonight got pasar malam lahh... my fav pasar malam (located in bangi) - to go OR not to go? im so insists of durian right now...
okeylah, we'll cont! time check-6.30pm. perfect time to perform my asar and to go back after that, of course... hehehe..
Monday, July 6, 2009
hello world!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
ok bye everyone. im OFF for my kenduri in kluang. and a few days off, of course! not forget, i hv to attend PTK exam while im in my cuti mode. [still 50-50, either to go OR not to go!]
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
- internal audit of 5S and prepare report of it, of course!
- Status of I and II stimulus package (hate this! cz those officers incharge [in certain non-cooperative ministry] of this dont want to pick up the stupid phone)
- have to go for persidangan statistik kebangsaan in PICC
- inputs on perlaksanaan penggunaan kod, klasifikasi dan definisi statistik [i have no idea of this! and Dato's message is "statistician please prepare input"] what kind of input do you want actually?
today got morning assembly and i purposely make my myself not available for that.. BORING!
Monday, June 8, 2009
2nd episode of twilight
......................................................... END ........................................................
Wedding Part 1.
Monday, May 18, 2009
at last..
hafiz won the af7... yeahhh... aril comes 2nd [pity alida! ('',)]... oklah tuhh.. both were my fav..im happy as long as isma not in the 1st place. so surprise how come she's at the 5th? where have her voters gone? btw, congratulation to both hafiz and aril as well as their afundersss... heheh...
my fingers also lenguh-lenguh, so i cant write more (full of drama lahh...[as told by dina])
p/s: Dina, dont forget to come and see me ar? before i get married... hehhhe ;)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
my life?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
reward myself! ... need to.
btw, congratulationsss to czarina and czarif for the new borned baby!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
thank you..
After 4 days break
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
which one is which?
a guy who comes with a full of surprises presents and cards but he was ignoring you, he’s not giving his full attention to you because he was so busy and don’t have time to call you or even sent you a simple and sweet message to you. Eventhough it’s only takes a few minutes. OR a guy who is taking care of you, giving his full attention to you even though he’s so busy but yet he still got time to call you or even sms-ing you, but there is no any token of appreciation for you.
It’s the thoughts that count, anyway!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Btw, let’s make a quick recap.
1) tqvm for all birthday wishes, for all presents, for all birthday cards, as well as for the surprise birthday party hold by my housemate. It’s a 6am birthday party, and im still sleeping on my luxury bed, surrounded by all my bantal busuk, and suddenly they came to my room together with my fav cheese cake, and sang a birthday song for me. Im touched. :( This year surprise birthday party reminds me of my friends back in UKM. Missing dayah, matul, hasi, noreen, aina and azni sooo much…thanxx so much for everything. I appreciate all you’ve done so much. And I meant IT! ermm it funny to received a totally diff birthday wishes this year. im used to hear the "semoga panjang umur", "semoga kawin cepat", etc. But this year it's more to "cepat cepat dapat baby".. hehehe.. im not married yet lah... :)
2) im soooo insists to go for the night market. It’s been a while since my last time. And tq for khasif for making my dream come true. Huhuh
3) My life quite tough for the past 3 weeks. I don’t know why but ive been so sensitive lately. It’s so tough both physically and mentally. Everything seems soo wrong. Everything is crumbling. Ive been through so many ups and downs. I’ve spent some sleepless nights. Sometimes, people just cant understand what others might hv been through. People sometimes are very selfish. Seems it’s so hard, even to asked, “how are you?” OR “what’s wrong with you?” (Hey you! You are NOT supportive ok?) Sometimes people are so rude and thought they, themselves are the best, but yet they are useless. Ive been so patience to that particular person and I don’t know why should I? but I guess, only God knows why.
4) at last, fad and av have comfirmed to be our pengapit on our W day. tq tq tq for being so sporting.
5) So many updates to run to. Gtg. Chow.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
MY blood pressure goes up.
MY breathing gets shallower and harder.
MY muscles tense up.
I’M being hit.
I’M being cheated.
I’M being neglected and ignored.
I’M unable to be in control and...
I’M being in stressful and demanding situations
Monday, April 6, 2009
it's show time!

Talentime explores love in its many manifestations, from boy-girl affection TO parent-child devotion TO plantonic affection between friends...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
coba lah coba...
Pernahkah kau ada, bila ku perlu, untuk meluahkan rasa hati.
Dan bila kau bersuara, setia ku mendengar, agar tenang kau merasa.
Coba kau lihat, coba kau coba, renung ke mata aku, bila ku melihatmu.
Pernahkah kau ada, bila ku perlu, untuk menyatakan rasa sakit dalam diri.
Dan bila kau perlu, setia ku menunggu, agar senang kau merasa
Siapa sebenarnya aku padamu, mungkin sama dengan teman lain, yang bisa kau buat begitu.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I’ve been very busy for the past few days. ermm shall I says the whole month? Or shall i say I am both lazy and busy then? (Hey! It rhymes! :hehe: ) I started and ended each month with my monthly report! Urgh! I had enough of those shits! This report just drives me mad and crazy as well. I’ve been coping with it for the last 2 years and I feel so sick whenever I looked up to the calendar and it shows 30th. As the report needs to come out by 7th, so the 1st till the 7th is like hell for me. I need 36 hour/day, please. Hurmm…. Need to work on the weekends as well.
Ive also went for a brainstorming session (programmes, policies and incentives for RMK10) in PD for 2 days. The 2 days was like hell… AGAIN! Not enough rest, not enough sleep. That’s why it was called a brainstorming huh? Nevertheless the food was always good. Thank god! (‘’,)
Not forget to mention I need to come over for a rehearsal in Legend Hotel for the so-called JICA Graduation day on a public holiday. Hello everybody! It’s a public holiday okey. Another 1 day gone!
Heyy, enough of it! Im more interested to wrote bout my training programme in JAPAN! It was wonderful! It was great! It was marvelous! Words just cant describe it. Wonder if anyone would says the same thing if they were in a training programme? Hehehe. Btw, those words was meant for the jalan-jalan session ok, not the training session. Hehe. Get me? [i remembered what dina told me, "fyza, this is not training, this is bercuti." heheh] How I wish I would be there again. I cherish every moment in Japan with lynn, fiza, farid and rahim. It will be never ending lists if I wrote here how I felt and what I felt. But that was a great moment for me to be there. Trust me! It was a short pleasure ive been waiting for after a rough year. Eventhough it was for short while but it means a lot for me, for US. We went for a few places – Tokyo Disneyland, Shinjuku, Ueno Okachimachi, Asakusa, Akihabara, Raponggi, etc. So here are some pics. Seeing is believing huh?
As im in Japan, I don’t have a chane to attend my cousin wedding in penang. All the best to moon and fawwaz for their future!. May god bless them, forever. Amin... A few shot i cilok from them, please. huhu
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Simple words with BIG impact.
Sometimes simple words can mean a lot to someone. The words "I hate you" can break your heart. The words "you are amazing" can change your whole attitude. Words start wars and divide families. Words can inspire, encourage, and convey love. They can poke and prod and compel to action. Or they can wound, discourage, and criticize. And what is said or not said in the most mundane moment can alter the course of a life...forever!
But what I wanna pen down here is the important of words – hello, thank you, im fine and how are you. It’s just a words, ONE simple words but it means a lot. It gives a big impact to the others.
When you’re busy, even when you’re in the middle of somewhere, is it HARD to call or at least sms-ing and says “hi. Im busy, cont later” OR “how ru?” OR “im busy. Cant talk. Hope ure OK” OR “tq for calling or sms-ing, but im bz. Hope ure ok”. That’s all! Is it sooo damn hard? Sometimes people make that as the hardest thing to do in the world. It only takes one or two minutes.
those words are not only meant for lovers, but friend and family member. Btw, hello doesn't come from Hell, that's for sure! So… just says it!
I talk politics OR I don’t talk politics?
I shall says that she’s at the wrong place at the wrong time. Pity her that she was blackmailed. It’s true that, this ‘particular’ person who did that should be brought to the justice as it is against the law.
But, Come to think about it again.
- Do we want to vote a party that does not respect the sanctity of our family institution? (They don't let her to resign ..)
- Do we want our children to consume this cultural garbage?
- Can elected reps say that what ever happen behind closed door is their privacy and do not affect their role as elected leaders?
…. plus some leaders from the so called Islamic party allowed this to happen ...
Monday, February 23, 2009
being someone better!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
"Many marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood that they're on the same side"
Monday, February 16, 2009
transfer order...
i received a transfer order last friday - from the IT division to a newly-setup economic division. [i was EL, so i got the news over the phone call] naa, actually my boss, which i suppose to address him as my ex boss now hv told me 2 days earlier before the MEMO came out. my feeling-ss?
freak+nervous+mazed+trobbing as i'll be working with new boss which she's from BNM, one E48 from MITI, and the other 2 new officer. im glad as my tag-team were brought together with me in this upcoming "most pressured division". There's a lot to be done- we need to come out with SMEs annual report by June as the NSDC meeting will be held -and we're now zero. we have to work backward. As told by BNM, they took around 8 months to came out with the report. but seems like we were given like 3-4 months ONLY...? i know it's a great feeling when you can benefit the public and together to enhance the economic development but please do it in a proper ways lahh...
i shall be glad as well as ill be experienced a new environment... ermmm lets take this as a opportunity for a better career path then? hopefully... amin....
one of the new officer, which i thought of "she looked very familiar" named darwina. after a short interview with her, you see- no wonder she looked very familiar! she's same aged with me and from ipoh. she's MCs. so many lahh ipoh-ians in this office.
en ghaz have transfered to MITI last friday. gonna miss you lahh. miss? NOT that miss, it's the other miss... heheh. btw en ghaz, tqvm for everything. every single thing. appreciate so much for your help-ss for the past 2 years. tq, tq, tq.
well.. that's all. gonna perform my solat.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
...Because february means LOVE LETTER!
2- my colleague, ani have left this office for better place. i hope so.. Wish u all the best! Nanti kawin jangan luper jemput. For sure ill turun Pendang! hiks hiks. [here our last pic as requested by U!]

btw, thought of going together with my av and fad, but seems like they are too bz with.. LIFE? OFFICE? FAMILY? FRIENDS? PARTNER? .....

am i a good baby sitter? huh ('',)... khasif please answer me? hhhahah. definitely the answer will be YESS...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
F*** OFF
nak buat keje pun tak senang...
lepas sorang-sorang menyusahkan hidup aku...
Membebankan aku dgn masalah-masalah yang tak der kena mengena ngan aku...
and orang lain pun ske cari pasal ngan aku... pleaselah, tanyer elok2, so jawab lahh elok2 gak...
aku pun tau gak nak marah... kesabaran aku nie ada hadnyer...
enough IS enough!
and please
F*** OFF lahh!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
half DEAD!
- im bz preparing the upcoming monthly report. i have to settle it by tomorrow as monday is holiday, then on tuesday i need to go for a short meeting with jica agency as well as to settle everything on my visa.. guys! im going to japan for 2 weeks... i cant wait anymore. you see, it is not about im so insists to go to japan, it's just that i cant wait to be out from the office, i dont want to be in the office anymore... i want to run away from the office! arrgghhh
-BUT before i can truly "flying without my wings", i have to crack my head first as i need to prepare another report on 2008 report.. im half DEAD already dear! so please make this weekend as a wonderful weekend ever for me! beach looks great for me at this moment.... or cameron? ok dear? ('',)
- what else to says? forget to mentioned. ive went back to SP on CNY. and the highway was crowded with lots and lots of carssssss.... it took 9 hours for me to arrived in SP... arrghh and eventhough im already in KL, half of me still in SP...im zombie... arrgghhh (again!)...
- klah, i want to go back. wulan is at 6pm. hiks hiks... a cup of milo ice sound good to me for me to have it on the way back!
Im Tired of IT!
Kenapa lah sumer org + org tue asyik nak marah marah? Asyik panas baran? Sumer bender tak kene…pressure lah and penat lahh asyik nak kene sabar jerk…penat lah nak layan… penat lah nak ikut rentak korang jerk… penat! IM TIRED OF IT! i have a lot-i means lotss and lotsss of job need to be done, lotss and lotsss of things that I need to think it through, so please don’t make thing worse for me…
Today is the beginning of another new year!
where new resolution are made,
new targets are set,
new aims to achieve,
new faiths to fulfill!
but whatever it may be,
this old me would like to wish all of you the very best in whatever you may be doing and may you be in the best of health and happiness always!
i wish... you didnt know..why?... will you?...
Love is blind, but yet STILL can feel the passion.
Love is blind, but yet STILL can touch the heart.
I wish I had the chance to turn back time and could change the choice – CHOICES – ive made,
I wish ive NOT done anything ive done before
I wish im NOT the person I am now
I wish I have the GOLDEN opportunity to change my past and have a better tomorrow!
Like flowers need the rain
Like coffee needs a cup
Like a candle needs a flame
Like a hammer and a nail
Like socks and shoes
Like rhythm and blues
That’s how i NEED you!
You didnt know,How you hurt me so,
You’ll never know,Cause ill never show.
You didnt know,That i couldnt let go.
You just dont care,
You werent even there.
I dont know how i can show,
What you yourself, can never know.
Why do i care so much?
Why do i still try?
Why does it hurt so much when there was never anything there?
Why does it make me cry?
Why you and not someone else?
Will you ever care?
Will you ever be able to dry my tears?
Will it always be you?
Will you ever get over yourself and open up your eyes?
I ask myself those questions everyday but STILL can’t find any answers.
I don’t care what others might says, might think.
As for me, its hurts so much and it doesn’t mean anything anymore to me.
Im walking AWAY!
i understand...
i do understand with the words of “private moment”
i do understand with the phrase of “i cant be with you 24/7″
i do understand with the sentences of “i have no time now. need to go. let’s cont later”
i do understand with the words of “i wanna hang out with my friends”
i do understand with the sentences of “im tired, need to sleep”
i DO understand all that. in fact i NEED to understand.
But all i asked is just a moment... A MEANINGFULL moment instead.
For you to share my ups and downs.
For you to wipe away every tears that falling down.
For you to share your shoulder when i need to and
For you to lend your hand when i want to.
ive fall down. its hard… its hurt. but as im climbing back, i realise that im on my own.
without you,
without your support,
even without you knowing what is actually happen.
life is COMPLICATED. totally miserable!
i understand… in fact i NEED to understand!
ermm just came back from eid-hajj. ive enjoyed every single food every single day. best! best! after 5 days of leave, my mail box is full of requested data @ statistics. need to rush for all that, but STILL i have time to jot down something. let’s see what have i hv done since morning…
1) prepare requested data from amin, faiz, roslan, shidi & farid on data of profile of SMEs by districts
2) prepare requested data from ursla on status of financial assistances in sarawak
3) updated figures in the monthly table
4) prepare data for weekly report to MITI
5) prepare listing of companies in Perak for Faiz at 12.00pm, i went to see my boss, and here is my updated due date to rush to:
6) call SSM for their listing on the available information in their database
7) prepare figures for BI Tools
8- prepare special format on ethnicity data to EPU
9) i have to prepare few inputs as i need to attend meeting in Malacca for 3 days… 3 days? omg. 3 days for 1 meeting……
need to go…
p/s: ive thought of going out for movie - its movieSS actually which are LOST and FAUN, transporter 3, twilight - AGAIN! love it!
Wonderful Weekend!
I hv a wonderful weekend last week. i have fun. lots and lots of fun actually. i enjoyed every single moment! we ( ME, my darling bebey - [he likes memey soo much, so i decided to call him bebey ('',) ], and together with the upcoming future couple to be - fadli & avvy nivia - *wink*) ‘ve spent time the whole saturday together gether.
the recap…
10.30am - went to seri kembangan to fetch my khasif as it’s my turn 2b his driver :( on the way to avvy’s house, we drob by to have a cup of pleasure… -which is the sugar cane and cocunut drink… yum yum yum… then, we stop again at the McD’s drive through and have Mc Chicken + banana pie + sundae choc for our breakfast. (NOT sure whether it still 2b consider as breakfast or not??) Jammed all over sg besi’s road. but he (he drives at last. fuhh!) took his sweet time driving.
1.00pm - arrived at av’s house. while waiting for her, we took this pic. (after a few shots to be exact. hiks hiks)

1.30pm - we start our journey to OU. on the way there, i hv stomach pain and need to go to the toilet. URGENTLY. so we drob by at my house. and perform solat as well.
2.30 pm - arrived in OU. we looked for the parking (indoor parking) almost for half an hour. then we decided to park at the open air parking (we have to walk for 10 minutes. arrgghh!) We watched the salsa performance for 15 minutes. and go for free medical check up hold by OSIM. (this is the “Health is important” journey EVER! huhu… so the results- my urine test is ok! my stress level is ok as well, my blood glucose is normal!, my body water is ok… but i have problem with my blood pressure. that lady told me that i have low blood pressure! same as what my panel doc hv told me before…. (so guys out there! im perfectly perfect 4u! i wont get angry easily) hahah…. av is also ok with her results. and since fadli stress level is nearly to the high susceptibility, so we went to secret recipies (so that fadli can taste every single of pleasure - the cheese and the chocolate cake… i means cakeSSS). then we decided to go for IKEA after that. we spent there for “cuci mata” till 8.oo pm.
9.00 pm - we have dinner in ampang. have one round of movie at the le’ park restaurant (should i call this restaurant??). (the transporter - which ive already watched it).
11.15 pm - we headed to KLCC. plan to watch midnight movie. but no idea yet of what movie to watch. so we’re just gambling!
11.55 pm - arrived in tgv. so we decided to go for TWILIGHT. and i would like to say the movie is AWESOME! [ it is because im truly and deeply interested with the guy - Edward Culler. im in LOVE with him.. yESS im in love.. even avvy as well in love with Edward Culler.. that is the type of gut that I, no! it is actually WE (all ladies) interested in! ('',) ] it’s a action-packed & love story between a teenage girl with a vampire. a VAMPIRE!.

the movie end nearly around 2am. so after we sent av back to her apartment, and khasif to his apartment as well, i went back to my heaven. and i arrived in my sarang burung around 4pm…. hehhe…ill be dead if my mom find out!. huhu.. btw… im having soooo much fun! tq to bebey, av and fadli. next time we’ll go out again… and again… and again…. and again…… and it’s a NEVER ENDING LISTS!
the so, so, so, so AND so...
So many updates to run to… so many meetings to attend to… (I have to prepare to attend one meeting tomorrow morning which I s-o-o fed up of it) and yet I still hv time to jot down something. It is because im so fed-up with all this (sooooo to be exact). Im so hungry at the moment. Let see what do I hv for my stomach today? 1 glass of milo ice, 2 slices of kaya and butter toast. That’s it… arrgghh… don’t hv time to eat as I hv to rush for my Dato’s speech input the whole morning till lunch break. Arrgghhh the phone just rang, I need to go for BAS (Business Advisory Services). Hold up!
(50 minutes later)
Here I am… back to my luxury cubicles… just met a new upcoming entrepreneurs. One entrepreneur for a trading company (trader for frozen food to be exact) and another one is a manufacturer in furniture industry. Have to talk the same scripts every single time for every different casts. Tired of it… damn tired!
Stop for a while… my sis called!
This is ME? ... is it?
Ive went though a personality test hold by JPA last August. And last week I got the results which im not sure whether it reflects me or not. Maybe certain criteria do fit in me, but the others??
Im an extrovert:
- Mendapat ransangan dari luar
- Gemar dan merasa bertenaga apabila bersama orang lain
- Memerlukan perhubungan dengan orang lain.
- Selalunya ramah, mesra dan mudah dikenali
- Cenderung bertindak sebelum berfikir
- Mudah memberi pendapat dan kritikan
- Berkemungkinan kurang peka dengan keperluan dalaman
- Mudah merasa bosan dan gelisah jika terlalu lama
- Menceriakan kehidupan seharian
- Sering dianggap cetek pemikiran dan mengganggu oleh
orang introvert
- Memerlukan introvert untuk keseimbangan
Im an intuitive:
- Memproses maklumat secara mendalam dengan memberi fokus kepada makna, kaitan dan perhubungan
- Melihat corak dan kemungkinan tetapi maklumat sering tidak lengkap
- Berkomunikasi secara umum dengan menggunakan terma-terma yang abstrak
- Melihat sesuatu secara menyeluruh sebelum menyesuaikan bahagian-bahagian dengan yang berkenaan
- Cenderung bersedia untuk masa hadapan
- Gemar berimaginasi dan suka mencipta sesuatu yang baru
- Melakukan sesuatu secara tidak teratur dan berubah-ubah
- Suka kepada perubahan, idea baru dan kepelbagaian
- Dianggap sebagai Mat Jenin
Im a Feel’s person:
- Membuat keputusan berasaskan perasaan orang lain melalui proses yang berasakan nilai
- Berpegang kepada prinsip nilai sendiri
- Memberi perhatian kepada nilai orang lain dan organisasi
- Tidak suka kepada prinsip yang ‘impersonal’
- Mudah memahami orang lain dan mudah memuji
- Memberi fokus kepada perasaan dan bukannya fikiran
- Sukar untuk memberi perkhabaran buruk kepada orang lain
- Pentingkan perhubungan dan keharmonian
- Kelihatan seperti terlalu beremosi dan tidak rasional
Im a Judging person:
- Menjalani kehidupan yang teratur dan terancang
- Gemar kepada struktur dan terkawal
- Selesa berada di dalam’comfort zone’
- Membuat perancangan awal dan penjadualan yang tetap.
- Gemar membuat keputusan dan menguruskan orang lain
- Suka melakukan sesuatu sehingga selesai
- Tidak suka untuk mengubah perancangan dan sering terlepas pandang perubahan yang perlu dibuat
- Cepat membuat keputusan dan kelihatan tegar, terlalu mendesak dan tidak fleksibel
As conclusion, Anda mempamerkan diri sebagai seorang yang mempunyai imaginasi, kreativiti, suka kepelbagaian, dan cabaran baru dalam kehidupan. Anda boleh melihat pembangunan potensi diri orang laindan berusaha membantu mereka mencapai matlamat yang ditetapkan. Anda mempunyai sikap ingin tahutentang sesuatu idea baru dan mahu memberi sumbangan dari aspek kebajikan serta kemanusiaan. Dari aspek hubungan interpersonal, anda seorang yang mudah mesra penyayang, setia, boleh dipercayai dan boleh menyesuaikan diri dengan orang lain. Anda seorang yang prihatin dan menggunakan empati diri orang lain dan memberi sokongan serta semangat bagi pembangunan diri mereka. Anda menghargai kerjasama, boleh mempunyai orang lain, dan membina persetujuan antara satu sama lain walaupun mereka mempunyai minat serta motif yang berbeza. Anda kerap bertindak sebagai pengantara, fasilatator atau pemimpin yang memberi inspirasi, mengeluarkna yang terbaik daripada orang lain dan bertanggungjawab mengurus interaksi sosial antara rakan sekerja, kawan atau keluarga.
So as conclusion, im Extraversion, Action taker, Outward, Expressive, Do-Think-Do, Interaction-ER, Intuitive, Imaginative, Theoretical, Love to give Ideas, Future thinker, love to think on “What could be next”,Subjective, Understand, kind hearted, Judgement, Organized, in Control, Deliberate, Closure, Planner, Merciful, Decision maker, impersonal…
Am i this list? Am i…? am i…? — No idea!
will cont. LATER!
Lots and lots of lists to update here.
2 friends of mine were already being a mother. Bun with her daughter named Damia Lutfiah and fiza CC is a mother to a new born baby named Nurul Madihah. Heheh… macam nama-nama dalam novel jerk… but whatever pun, Congratulations to you both! Hope you guys will be a great mother, grandmother, aunty etc EVER! :p
Me and khasif went to alida’s house for her so called “open house” eventhough we’re not in syawal month dah… the reason we were there is that alida told us that she’s going to cook on her own. So me and khasif were like “… ermmm… lets try it” Thanx GOD the food was ok… not bad for her 1st time try - I guess.. ;p thanks a triilion to dira as well. Meena and her boy was there too. The funny thing is when khasif at first thought “is that umi aida”? thanx god he never says it. :p Don’t forget to mention he was so nervous to meet alida and dira for the 1st time. Reason? I have no idea!
I went back to SP last weekend with khasif and my sis as well as with my beloved arman and adrish. The journey was disaster… the tyre was punctured around 1.30am. and we’re in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, the plus officer arrived there less than 5 minutes. And help us to settle down on everything. Go PLUS, go PLUS, go PLUS. Thank you very much to the Mr “I forget to ask his name”. Tq, tq, tq,..
Need to stop lah.. no mood to jot down on everything eventhough lots of stuffs need to tell ya! Miss my sayang actually…
p/s: Did I mention that im so in love with this new 2 songs. Which are the song by estrange – aurora as well as by M.Nasir ft malique – mantera beradu. Love it!
- YOU -

Now I know that it is…
Because YOU loves to makes my life worthliving!
Because YOU loves making me cry before it made making me smile…
Because YOU loves to inspires me to be a better person…
Because YOU loves to taught me patience!
Because YOU loves to never blamed me for the wrongs I did…
Because YOU loves to stood up for me when nobody else did!
Because YOU loves to argue with me…
Because YOU loves to let me be me!
And because of it…
I DON’T really loves you to be here with me
I DON’T really loves you to share my life with me
But I NEED u to complete me…
MALAYS... where are we now?
Hello there. How’s every 1? Hopefully u all in a good shape and in pink health. So what I wanna write here? Let me see… Mmm … There’s something that I always wanna jot down here in my blog. But each time, when im here in front of my comp and started to arrange my sentences on this topic, suddenly my mind goes blank. Maybe I’m afraid that someone will hurt while reading this. But as for now, I believe, it’s the time for me to pen down on this matter. Since I just came back from this 1 programme attended by my minister and which is coincidence-ly the same topic I’m interested in – Malays, where are we now? Allowed me to write on this matter – what my mind wants to say…
As at 2006, Malays are the main citizens of Malaysia:
Malay = 13,575,100
Chinese = 6,219,600
Indian = 1,858,500
This numbers can tell you that Malays are the majority. With 54.7%, supposedly Malays are the majority contributor in all aspects especially in the economic sector. BUT, what is actually happened is far away from what we’re actually expected.
Ekuiti milik bumiputera as at 2007 hanyalah 19.4%, sedangkan sasaran kita di dalam DEB, ia sepatutnya mencecah angka 30%. Jumlah ekuiti bagi kaum bukan bumi as at 2007 adalah 40.4%. sedangkan sasaran yang sepatutnya adalah 40%. Lihat sahaja perbezaan yang ketara itu. Lihat sahaja betapa kaum melayu sebenarnya telah ketinggalan ke belakang.
Ada pihak dengan lantangnya berpendapat DEB telah gagal. Tetapi bagi saya ia tidak gagal. Ia cuma tidak mencapai target setinggi seperti yang ditetapkan. Mungkin anda tidak tahu, pada tahun 1970, tahun dimana DEB diperkenalkan, ekuiti milik bumiputera pada masa itu hanyalah 2.4%. Pada tahun akhir DEB, iaitu 1990, taraf ekuiti bumiputera telah meningkat kepada 19.2%. Satu peningkatan yang pada saya cukup ketara. Cukup tinggi! Namun antara tahun 1990 hingga tahun 2007, peratus ekuiti melayu adalah 19.4%. Peningkatan sebanyak 0.2% sahaja bagi tempoh 17 tahun. Pada tahun DEB dilaksanakan, ekuiti melayu telah meningkat sebanyak 16.8%, namun pada tahun selepas itu sehingga tahun 2007, ekuiti bumi putera hanya meningkat 0.2%. Tidakkan itu menunjukkan bahawa DEB tidak gagal, tetapi orang orang melayu antara tahun 1990 hingga 2007 yang telah gagal untuk memajukan sektor ekonomi kaum mereka sendiri.
Saya juga terpikir, adakan mungkin disebabkan peningkatan yang tinggi itu telah berlaku pada tahun DEB dilaksanakan, menyebabkan kaum melayu berasa selamat di zon yang tersendiri. Dan dengan itulah, hanya peningkatan sebanyak 0.2% sahaja yang kita dapat lihat bagi kaum melayu dalam masa 17 tahun selepas itu??
Namun jika kita lihat sekarang, kaum melayu sendirilah adalah antara mereka yang dengan lantangnya telah menolak DEB. Tidakkah mereka terpikir, dengan DEB itulah, peratus ekuiti melayu telah meningkat?
Memang tidak dinafikan DEB adalah satu dasar yang tidak lagi diamalkan. Memang betul zaman DEB telah tamat. Namun, angka 30% itulah yang sepatutnya dijadikan semangat kita yang perlu dikekalkan sehingga sekarang. Semangat yang sepatutnya kita perjuangkan hingga sekarang.
Timbul pula isu kontrak sosial. Apa itu sebenarnya kontrak sosial? Kontrak sosial merujuk kepada perjanjian oleh bapa-bapa kemerdekaan negara dalam Perlembagaan, dan merupakan penggantian beri-memberi atau quid pro quo melalui Perkara 14–18 yang berkenaan dengan pemberian kewarganegaraan Malaysia kepada orang-orang bukan Melayu. Ia adalah satu persetujuan yang memberikan kewarganegaraan kepada orang-orang bukan Melayu dan bukan orang asli (kebanyakannya orang Malaysia Cina dan Malaysia India) sebagai ganti untuk pemberian hak keistimewaan kepada orang-orang Melayu.
Keyword - pemberian kewarganegaraan SEBAGAI GANTI pemberian hak istimewa kepada orang-orang Melayu. Namun, apa yang berlaku pada hari ini, setiap yang berbau melayu telah dicabar dan dipersoalkan dengan lantang dan terbuka. Contohnya, artikel 153: hak-hak istimewa bumiputera, sosial kontrak, asal usul melayu, DEB, bahasa melayu, kepimpinan melayu, raja-raja melayu, kebudayaan melayu, agama islam dan sebagainya yang berhubung kait dengan keistimewaan orang melayu. Kesemuanya itu telah dicabar dengan lantangnya oleh orang orang bukan melayu. Alasan yang diberikan, amat mudah – dasar tersebut menindas kaum lain. Hak kesamarataan perlu di tuntut!
Saya terpanggil untuk berfikir, jika hak keistimewaan melayu perlu ditarik balik, adakah sanggup kaum cina dan kaum india memberikan semula hak kewarganegaraan mereka? Kerana sosial kontrak itu sendiri menyebut hak keistimewaan melayu adalah SEBAGAI GANTI kepada pemberian kewarganegaraan. Fikirlah wahai melayu. Kadang-kala saya agak terkilan kerana melayu sendiri yang mahu hak keistimewaan mereka digadai. Contoh mudah – manifesto politik, yang dilaung laungkan sabah hari - hak yang sama antara kaum! Adakah itu yang sepatutnya diperjuangkan? Adakah itu yang sepatutnya diagung-agungkan? Sanggupkah kita menggadaikan apa yang sepatutnya menjadi milik kita hanya semata-mata untuk mengejar kekuasaan untuk mentadbir sebuah negara? Bukan saya hendak mengutuk mana-mana parti politik, jauh sekali menyokong mana-mana parti politik. Tetapi saya menyokong mereka yang akan memperjuangkan saya, yang akan memperjuangkan hak-hak saya, yang akan memperjuangkan hak-hak anak-anak, cucu-cucu dan seterusnya waris-waris saya. Saya menyokong mereka yang akan memperjuangkan bangsa saya dan agama saya… yang akan memperjuangkan negara saya! Tapi kini, melayu itu sendiri yang terumbang ambing di tanah asal usul mereka sendiri.
Saya setuju dengan laungan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad satu masa dahulu… “Melayu mudah lupa!”… melayu mudah lupa dengan pengobanan orang orang terdahulu. Melayu mudah lupa dengan apa yang diperjuangkan oleh orang-orang terdahulu. Melayu mudah lupa akan erti sebenar sebuah bangsa, akan erti sebenar sebuah negara. Erti sebenar sebuah pengorbangan demi bangsa, agama dan negara… melayu mudah lupa akan segala galanya.
Adakah dengan wujudnya sosial kontrak itu, bangsa lain begitu tertindas? Adakah benar akan kenyataan tersebut? Kerana jika kita lihat pendapatan purata bagi kaum melayu lebih rendah berbanding kaum-kaum lain. Pendapatan purata kaum bagi tahun 2007:
Melayu = RM 3,156
Cina = RM 4,853
India = RM 3,799
Lihat saja! Pendapatan purata bulanan kaum yang selama ini mengatakan mereka tertindas, jauh lebih tinggi daripada kaum melayu sendiri. Lihat sahaja siapa sebenarnya yang tertindas. Chinese and Indian, they have better standard of living compared to the Malays. Adakah ini yang dikatakan satu penindasan?
Dari segi jawatan yang dipegang dalam syarikat, dari segi bidang professional, dari segi pemilikan syarikat, dari segi pemilikan bangunan dan premis komersial dan pelbagai lagi bidang… yang pasti bilangan bumiputera itu sendiri masih lagi kebelakang, masih lagi mundur… Kesemuanya dimonopoli oleh kaum bukan bumiputera.
Adakah ini masih lagi satu penindasan?
Tidakkan kita fikir, akibat daripada kelemahan org melayu itu sendiri lah, pada hari ini, melayu makin tidak berpijak di bumi yang nyata? Melayu selalu saja merungut… Kerajaan tak pernah membantu lah…. Kerajaan tak jaga melayu lahh… bermacam macam alasan dan rungutan lagi….
Wahhal, kerajaan sendiri telah memberi bantuan berbilion-billion ringgit kepada bumiputera itu sendiri. Dari segi dana, dari segi modal, dari segi kewangan, GLCs, ULCs, institusi-institusi melayu, peraturan peraturan dan dasar dasar yang melonjakkan melayu dalam ekonomi, pelbagai dasar yang memihak kepada melayu dan macam macam lagi. And yet melayu masih lagi mundur dalam sektor ekonomi.
Kenapa? Kenapa? Dan kenapa?
Saya terpikir, adakah kerana terlalu dimanjakan, adakah kerana terlampau disuap dalam segala hal, adakah kerana terlalu banyak pertolongan yang telah diberikan menyebabkan melayu menjadi seperti sekarang?
Yang pasti, melayu terperangkap di dalam zon ekonomi yang selesa yang mengelirukan! Melayu adalah bangsa yang tidak patriotik, adalah bangsa yang tidah pernah bersyukur dengan segala nikmat dan keistimewaan yang telah diberikan. Adakah kita masih perlu terus menerus tunduk dengan kemahuan kaum-kaum lain yang inginkan hak hak kita diketepikan? Adakah kita mahu menumpang di negara kita sendiri? Adakah kita masih mahu ketinggalan dalam segalanya?
Bangkitlah melayu! Bangkitlah melayu. Sedarlah!
Mungkin saya tidak mampu untuk mengubah segalanya seorang diri. Mungkin saya tidak mampu untuk menyedarkan semua orang akan hakikat sebenarnya seorang diri saya. Tetapi sekurang-kurangnya saya sedar akan kedudukan dan kelemahan kaum saya sendiri. Setidak-tidaknya saya berusaha dengan cara saya sendiri. Sekurang kurangnya saya masih ada semangat yang membara demi melayu saya…demi bangsa saya…demi agama saya…demi negara saya… !
Mungkin di era saya, melayu masih mampu berkuasa… tetapi adakah anak-anak saya, cucu-cucu saya dan seterusnya waris-waris saya masih mampu merasai nikmat hak-hak keistimewaan sebagai seorang melayu…? sebagai seorang islam…? Sebagai seorang penduduk peribumi negaranya sendiri?
Tidak terniat untuk mengutuk, jauh sekali untuk mempertikaikan kewujudan kaum lain. But as for me,
I’m not being racist, but I’m being a patriotic in my own ways - for my own Malays!